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SISTR-backend documentation

The Salmonella In Silico Typing Resource (SISTR) is a web application for the rapid in silico typing and in silico serovar prediction of Salmonella enterica isolates using whole-genome sequence (WGS) data. In addition, it allows various metadata-driven comparative genomic and epidemiological analyses through the SISTR web application.

SISTR consists of a Python (v2.7.9) server application and PostgreSQL (v9.4.1) database and a ClojureScript (v0.0-3269) web application. The server app is implemented in Python using the Flask web micro web framework (v0.10.1) and communicates with the PostgreSQL database using SQLAlchemy (v1.0.2). The server app exposes a REST API through which the user facing SISTR web application sends and receives data. It is also possible for other applications to send data to and from the server app through the REST API. A Celery distributed task queue (v3.1.18) is used for asynchronously running tasks such as in silico analyses on user uploaded genomes.

The source code for SISTR-backend is available on Bitbucket at: https://bitbucket.org/peterk87/sistr_backend

This documentation is for the SISTR backend server application. The documentation for the SISTR web application can be found at https://bitbucket.org/peterk87/sistr-app




getting_started serovar_prediction db_schema rest_api development

Indices and tables